Energy Conference Copenhagen
October 10th 2023 10am-4pm
Where will the energy for the green transition come from?
Purpose of conference
Where will the energy for the green transition come from?
Denmark is unique in that virtually all the country's municipalities have drawn up climate plans that indicate how the individual municipality will achieve its climate target in 2030.
However, plans do not do it alone. To achieve the goal of the green transition, large amounts of renewable energy must be used. But where will the energy come from, and what role do municipalities, regions and utility companies play in the development of the green energy system of the future?
To make it happen, some of the problems must be solved across country and city, municipalities, regions and neighbouring countries.
Therefore, mark the calendar on 10 October 2023, when we invite you to an Energy Summit for municipalities, utility companies, regions, companies and knowledge institutions in the Greater Copenhagen geography.
You will meet politicians, corporates, scientists, utility service providers, city representatives, startups and innovators of new energy technologies and many more.
The conference is organized and funded by Energi på Tværs and Ren Energi Lolland, together with Gate 21 and Energy Innovation Hub Greater Copenhagen.
The venue is sponsored by Gate 21 in Albertslund, and the conference is supported by all collaboration partners in Energy Innovation Hub Greater Copenhagen.

When and where
Tuesday, October 10th 2023 from 10 AM - 4 PM at Gate 21, Auditoriet. Liljens Kvarter 2
2620 Albertslund, Danmark
Conference Preliminary Program
Moderator: Jacob Rosenkrands, journalist and host on DR
10:00-10:15: Welcome to Energy Summit 2023
10:15-10:30: What does the framework for the future energy sector look like?
Morten Stobbe, director of VEKS
10:30-10:45: How does the electricity, heat and waste sector contribute to the energy system of the future?
Knud Pedersen, chairman of the board of Cerius and Radius, Trine Holmberg, director of ARGO and another name to be announced shortly
10:45-11:35: Debate: How do we prepare reality for the future together?
What energy system do we need in the Greater Copenhagen region? (Five-minute reply)
The speaker will be announced shortly
What is the ministry's focus right now?
Marie Hindhede, head of department in the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Supply
Debate: How do we prepare reality for the future together?
// Marie Hindhede, head of department in the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Supply, Knud Pedersen,
chairman of the board of Cerius and Radius, Trine Holmberg, director of ARGO and others. which will be published shortly
11:35-12:00: The good examples: Strategic coordination ensures real action
Rikke Jensen, technical director in Lolland Municipality and another name to be announced shortly
12:00-13:00: Lunch
13:00-14:00: What does it require of citizens? Behavioral changes, energy communities and Innovation
Rikke Harbo Trikker, communications director at Andel, Henrik Bielefeldt, head of project development and commercial manager at Sustain and Lena Rainer, Green Innovations Business Development
14:00-14:15: Break
14:15-14:55: How do we create the good new examples? Expansion of renewable energy on land
Knud-Erik Andersen, CEO, European Energy, Thomas Aarestrup Jepsen, Director of Communications and Public Affairs at Green Power Denmark and others. which will be published shortly
14:55-15:05: Bring home vision: Sidestream – Sustainable energy flows
Thomas Vesth, Brinkland & Co.
15:05-15:20: What are we taking with us next?
15:20-16:00: Entertainment, snacks, and drinks
Register now – and mark your calendars for 10 October 2023 at 10.00 – 16.00 or click the link below to read more and register for the